Sometimes it happens that when you try to install the apache server on your machine then it doesn’t get installed properly so you cannot see the option to view the service to be started or stopped. The reason could be because when you install you get an error stating that port 80 is already been used. So it better to quit or uninstall the corrupt application and run the following command in your system :
If it returns any program then we need to find and close it. So need to go to the window task and kill the program those are been run by that PID’s. Make sure if you cannot view the PID in the Windows Task then you need to view ->select column. Once you kill these application with PID’s then rerun the apache installation. Enjoy
netstat -o -n -a | findstr 0.0:80
If it returns any program then we need to find and close it. So need to go to the window task and kill the program those are been run by that PID’s. Make sure if you cannot view the PID in the Windows Task then you need to view ->select column. Once you kill these application with PID’s then rerun the apache installation. Enjoy